NEWSLETTER – Monday 24th February 2025
- Reminder that Friday Feb 28th is the closing date for acceptance letters for Junior Infants, Solas and other classes
- We are in the process of putting together our Bí Cinéalta policy. This policy will replace our Anti Bullying policy and aims to look after the welfare of all children in our school. A survey for parents was sent home to each family last Monday and we would really appreciate your input as we begin to draft our new policy. Surveys should be sent back by Monday February 24th.
- There will be girl’s Gaelic football training after school starting on Monday February 24th for girls in 4th,5th and 6th class. It will finish at 3.45 each Monday.
- Boy’s Gaelic training will take place each Tuesday after school for boys in 4th, 5th and 6th It will end at 3.45 each Tuesday.
- Hurling training takes place each Wednesday with Mr. Byrne.
- World book day is on March 6th. All children received vouchers towards the purchase of a book.
- The Parents’ Association are holding a table quiz in The Fox and the Bunditch on Thursday February 27th at 8pm. A table of 4 costs €40 and can be booked through the school office. If anyone would like to donate spot/raffle prizes they would be very welcome.
- Classes will be completing Relationship and Sexuality lessons relevant to their age group over the coming few weeks.
- Children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class will complete NNRIT tests (Non reading Intelligence tests) the first week in March.
- We would ask that all outstanding school charges be paid by this Friday, February 28th.
- Please see note below from Dunlavin and District Forum
What is the Pure Mile?
Pure Mile is an initiative that encourages people to come together and keep their local area litter free. Over the weekend of March 8th and 9th people all over our community will be picking litter on the roads they live on helping to make the place we live a little cleaner.
Two winning poster designs will be chosen and then turned into road signs which will be displayed on the roads around our village – there will also be a very worthwhile €50 Smyths Voucher for each designer!
We are hosting a competition for the students in our primary schools – we want you to help us design a poster that will support the Pure Mile Project and our litter/rubbish free theme. You can draw/sketch/paint – whatever you choose – the only thing we ask is that you keep to A4 size.
Closing date is Friday, February 28th
All entries can be left into Doyles Butchers.
Make sure to put the following details on the back of your entry
Name and Age
Parent/Guardians Contact Number
Best of Luck!