Maths sheet for parents


The importance of hands on materials for children before starting school and also during their school life cannot be understated. Materials such as jigsaws, lego, mobilo etc will provide children with a great basis for Maths. Maths is a vital part of everyday life from shopping to telling the time. Children should be given ample opportunities to practice everyday maths skills such as buying something in the shops (estimation money), setting the table (counting) and telling the time. Below is a brief guide of some of the topics covered in the Maths Programme as various class levels. It is very important that teachers and parents use the same language and methodologies in relation to Maths. The following does not cover areas such as shape, time, weight, capacity and money.

Junior Infants: Numbers 0 - 5

Senior Infants: Numbers 0 - 10

Basic Addition - for 3+5=8 - we say 3 plus 5 equals 8.

First Class: Numbers 0 - 99

Introduction to tens and units. Addition of two digit numbers with and without renaming e.g.


3 6 3 6

+1 2 +1 5

48 5 1

Subtraction of two digit numbers without renaming.

For 5-3=2 - we say 5 takeaway 3 equals 2.

Second Class: Numbers 0 to 199.

Addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers with and without renaming e.g.: 3 4

-1 6

1 8

Third Class: Numbers 0 - 999

Addition of 3 digit numbers with and without renaming

Multiplication of a 2 digit number by 0 to 10.

Division of a two digit number by a single digit number

with and without remainders e.g.

For 3x9 we say three times nine.

For 14÷7 we say 14 divided by 7.

Fractions and decimals formally begin in third class.

Fourth Class: Numbers 0 to 9999. Addition and Subtraction of a four digit number with and without renaming. Multiplication of a three digit number with and without a remainder.

Fifth & Sixth: More extensive work on fractions and decimals continues which will include multiplication and division.

There is a strong emphasis on estimation in the new curriculum. Tables will be taught in all classes from first to sixth. Parents who feel that their child is finding the Maths Programme difficult should contact the class teacher.

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Scoil Nioclais Naofa,
Stephen Street
Co. Wicklow

045 401495

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