Code of Behaviour


In our school pupils are entitled to learn and play in a safe, secure and disruption free environment. Parents are entitled to feel that their child is safe and secure as long as they attend this school. Teachers have a right to be able to teach in an environment free from frequent disruption.


* To allow each child to be educated in a disruption free environment.

* To maintain good order throughout the school and to maintain respect for

the school environment.

* To develop self-discipline in pupils based on consideration, respect and

tolerance for others.

* To promote positive relationships throughout the school and create a

happy and caring school community.

* To promote and encourage respectful interaction and good manners.

Rules will be kept to a minimum. Every effort will be made by members of staff to adopt a positive approach towards children’s behaviour. Those children who respect and adhere to school rules and policies will be praised and rewarded. Pupils will be referred to the Principal for serious breaches of discipline and repeated incidents of minor misbehaviour. Teachers will keep a record of incidents on Aladdin. Parents will be asked to approve the Code of Discipline when enrolling their child in Junior Infants.The strategies and philosophy of the Incredible Years programme will be adopted.

Strategies for praising those who adhere to school rules

* Comment in homework journal.

* Word of praise in front of class.

* Pupil sent to other staff member or Principal for commendation.

* Delegating a special responsibility or privilege such as:

Yellow Bellies/Infant helper/School jobs/Messenger/PE equipment/Library/

Buddies/Green Schools/

* Oral communication to child’s parents.

* No homework assigned.

* Treat.

* Stars and stickers.

* Stamps.

* Worker of the month/week

* Golden Time - ½ hour per week.

* Happy Gram

* Play time/board games/extra PE/Art etc

* Awards at assembly for good manners/respectful attitude.

Strategies for dealing with unacceptable behaviour

  • Praise someone who is displaying the behaviour you want.
  • Give rule reminders.
  • Speak to the child quietly/privately.
  • Give child time out to reflect/cool down.
  • Buddy assigned at breaktimes.
  • Organisation of school leagues at breaktimes.
  • Assignment of role of responsibility.
  • Circle Time
  • Rewarding those who adhere to school rules….Fun Friday.

Sanctions for continuing unacceptable behaviour

  • Recording of incident on Aladdin.
  • Detention on court during break/temporary separation from class.
  • Restorative Practice can be used to intervene in misdemeanours that may occur involving pupils.
  • Referral to principal.
  • Principal to contact parents.
  • Contract put in place for a set time period.
  • Further extension of contract but with sanctions such as exclusion from extracurricular activities.

Procedures for serious misdemeanours/frequently repeated misdemeanours

  • Restorative Practice initially used to intervene in serious misdemeanours that occur involving pupils. Parents informed.
  • Up to 3 day detention at breaks. Parents informed.
  • Up to 3 day suspension from class and breaks. Child will be sent to another class with work to complete. Parents called in to school to meet with class teacher and principal.
  • An official Board of Management suspension from school for 3 days will occur. The child will also be suspended indefinitely from any school tours/extracurricular activities.
  • Where a child has made a genuine effort to improve behaviour following any incident above then their record will be cleaned. Otherwise they will progress through the steps above.
  • Teachers will keep a written record of all instances of serious misbehaviour as well as a record of improvements in the behaviour of disruptive pupils.
  • Communication with parents will be verbal or by letter, depending on the circumstances.
  • In the case of gross misbehaviour, the Board shall authorise the Chairperson or Principal to sanction an immediate suspension (up to 10 school days), pending a discussion with parents.
  • Expulsion may be considered in extreme cases, in accordance with Rule 130(6)

General Rules

  1. Pupils must wear a full uniform each day and school tracksuit with polo shirt for each P.E. day. Any child not wearing a school uniform must furnish an explanatory note signed by a parent. Girls must wear safelow footwear. Shoes must be worn with the school uniform and not runners.
  2. All property must be clearly labelled with pupils names. Children should have suitable stationery each day. Tippex is forbidden.
  3. Children must enter and exit through the school gates only and in an orderly fashion.
  4. Running or shouting in the school is not allowed.
  5. The school has a healthy eating policy which must be followed.
  6. All pupils are expected to treat their fellow pupils and visitors with respect and courtesy at all times. The use of foul language and any form of bullying are unacceptable. Respect must be shown at all times for school property.
  7. Children are not allowed to wear make-up and only girls are allowed to wear stud earrings. No other piercings are permitted. Extreme hairstyles are forbidden.
  1. All children must attend school regularly and if absent they must have an explanatory note signed by parent or guardian.
  2. Homework must be completed when assigned. Any child who does not

complete homework must furnish an explanatory note signed by a parent or guardian.

Yard Behaviour

  1. Children must walk to and from the yard.
  2. Children can only play on the hardcourt areas at first break.
  3. Children must be in line and silent when the 2nd bell rings at break.
  4. Children who misbehave or who do not line up properly will be put against the wall and they will miss out on the next break.
  5. Children should play properly i.e. no piggybacks, red rover etc.
  6. Children are not permitted back into the school unless they are sick or injured in which case they should be accompanied by another child to sick bay .
  7. Children from classes 1st to 6th are allowed to play football in designated areas at break, providing the children have a change of trousers and footwear when pitches are wet.
  8. Each class from 2nd to 6th is allowed to bring out one basketball at second break only.

Restorative Questions (Responding to challenging behaviour)

  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking about at the time?
  • What have you thoughts been since?
  • Who has been affected by what you did?
  • In what way have they been affected?
  • What do you think needs to happen next?

Restorative Questions (Responding to those harmed)

  • What happened?
  • What were your thoughts at the time?
  • What have your thoughts been since?
  • How has this affected you and others?
  • What has been the hardest thing for you to do?
  • What do you think needs to happen next?

Contact Us
Scoil Nioclais Naofa,
Stephen Street
Co. Wicklow

045 401495

Music Generation Wicklow
Green School
© 2025 Scoil Nioclais Naofa