Newsletter November 4th 2024


Newsletter November 4th 2024

  • We will begin a three week maths problem solving block this week.
  • We appeal to parents to desist from parking in the bus bay each morning and also at school closing hours. It must be left free to allow bus access. We would also ask all parents and children not to enter the school grounds through either car park or park in staff car parks.
  • Word from the North Pole tells us that Santa is due to visit Scoil Niocláis Naofa on Wednesday December 18th.
  • The book fair will be with us from Thursday 14th November to Thursday 21st November. Children will have an opportunity to see the books on Thursday and purchase some from Friday 15th on if they so wish. Parents are welcome to the fair in the mornings and evenings. The school will receive 60% of the value of books sold in the form of new books to restock our library and classrooms.
  • Reminder that Parent Teacher meetings for Senior Infants to 6th class will take place on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th Meetings for Junior Infants will take place in February.
  • Congratulations to Rónan Byrne on his magnificent achievement in the Dublin City Marathon. Many thanks for your support for Solas and Rónan. Over €5000 has been raised with a final figure to be determined. Donations can be accepted up to November 9th. This money will be used to purchase communication devices for the children in Solas.
  • We will begin a 3 week buddy reading block this week. This will see children from 5th and 6th classes paired with children from 1st and 2nd classes to read on three occasions each week.
  • There will be football training for 3rd and 4th class girls this Thursday 7th November and next Thursday 14th. There will then be a blitz for the 3rd and 4th class girls on Friday 15th
  • Each year we support the Team Hope Shoebox appeal. A shoebox is filled with small gifts for a child in a developing country. If anyone fills a shoe box it can be returned to the school for collection. We will send home information on what goes into the shoe boxes this week.
  • We are delighted to announce that following a review of our SNA allocation in the mainstream part of the school by the NCSE, we have been granted another SNA. Our SNA’s are tasked with helping children with primary care needs. The new SNA will be appointed over the coming weeks after confirmation is received from the Department of Education.
Contact Us
Scoil Nioclais Naofa,
Stephen Street
Co. Wicklow

045 401495

Music Generation Wicklow
Green School
© 2025 Scoil Nioclais Naofa