Newsletter November 25th 2024
- This is a no homework week.
- The school will be closed on Friday next 29th December to facilitate polling for the general election.
- We had a visit from Colin Travers on Friday with his fabulous birds. A big thank you to the Parents Association for sponsoring the visit.
- We will have a Christmas Carol Service on Wednesday, December 11th at 7p.m. in St. Nicholas of Myra church. Children from Junior Infants, 1st, 3rd and 5th classes will sing some carols on the night. Unfortunately due to lack of space we have to limit the number of classes performing.
- The Parents Association are due to meet on Wed evening at 8pm.
- Our 3rd class will travel to the Riverbank Arts Theatre Newbridge on Monday 25th to take part in a Fighting Words Workshop.
- Children from the choir involved in Peace Proms will travel to the National Arena Blanchardstown on November 11th to take part in a rehearsal for the Peace Proms which will take place on Sat Feb 1st.
- The book fair raised €2,566. A big thank you to the students from 6th class, Christine and Mrs. Moran for organising and running the fair. The school will earn a commission of €1,533.60 in new library books for our school.
- Please note any remaining Christmas card orders must be back by 10am on Monday 25th.
- The school choir have been asked to sing at a Christmas concert in St. Nicholas of Myra church on Sunday evening December 22nd with the Ballymore Concert Band at 7p.m. They have also been asked to sing at the turning on of the Christmas lights on 7th December at 6pm.
- We will have a visitor from the North Pole on Wednesday December 18th.
- Parent teacher meetings for children from Senior Infants to 6th class will take place on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th Times were issued last week. Meetings are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes. If you need to discuss something further with your child’s teacher a further appointment can be made.
- Thanks to everyone for your support and sponsorship for Solas. The funds raised from Rónan’s marathon run will allow us to purchase communication devices for children in Solas.