Newsletter May 7th 2024
*Thank you to all who contributed shoes for our In My Shoes Campaign. The shoes were collected last week for delivery to South Africa.
*A big thank you to all the parents that have driven to matches/events. It is much appreciated.
*Well done to our boys’ senior and u10 football teams that were in action last week. The senior football team lost to Kilmead but have qualified for the semi-final where they will meet Kildare Ed. Together on Wednesday 15 May in Dunlavin at 12 o’clock. The U10 team had a good win against Crookstown on Friday and will be in action again in the semi-final, day and time to be arranged.
*Children from 1st, 3rd and 5th classes will start lessons from the Stay Safe Programme on May 7thand these will continue for the next few weeks.
*The Parents Association are holding a clothes/shoes collection from Wednesday May 8th to Wednesday May 15th.
* All classes from 1st to 6th will complete standardised tests in both English and Maths during the week of May 7th -10th .
*The Parents’ Association will meet this coming Wednesday at 7.30 pm in Scoil Nioclais Naofa. All are welcome.
* Reminder First Communion is on Saturday May 25th at 11a.m.
*Confirmation takes place on Friday May 17th at 11am and the Ceremony of Light takes place on Tuesday 7th May at 8pm Mass.
* Our Senior hurling team took part in a blitz in Kiltegan last Thursday. They played against teams from Talbotstown, Donard, Tyknock, Rathcoyle and Baltinglass. Their league in Kildare will start in the next couple of weeks.
*Swimming continues this Wednesday for children in 2nd and 3rd classes and Solas Senior.