NEWSLETTER – Monday 20th January 2025
Parent Teacher meetings take place on Wednesday 5th February and Thursday 6th February for Junior Infants. Times will be sent home this week.
Reminder that the school is closed this Wednesday January 22nd to allow for maths in service for staff.
We will have an U11 and U13 team travelling to Scoil Naomh Íosaf, Baltinglass on Friday 7th February to take part in the Credit Union Quiz. Best of luck to them. Reminder to those that received consent forms to return them this Monday 20th.
This week is road safety week. Classes will do lessons on road safety and maybe parents could also speak to their children about road safety and crossing the road outside the school.
As part of our focus on attendance and punctuality we are encouraging all children to be on time for school. If children arrive after school starting time they will have to enter the school through the main front door by ringing the bell. They will not be able to access the classroom through the outside doors. As part of the Education Act we are obliged to report absences of over 20 days to TUSLA.
Drama has started for the new group of classes, Junior Infants, 2 Blue, 2 Red, 5th and 6th classes. Payment is due for these classes and letters were issued last week in relation to this. Cost is €35 and is included in school charges. These are real costs which must be paid by children who wish to partake in drama.
Reminder that the closing date for applications for Junior Infants/Solas is February 1st.
The second term of music generation lessons in piano and guitar have begun. The next payment for these lessons is now due.
We would encourage parents to make sure that all children are wearing the correct uniform. School tracksuits are only to be worn on PE days. The uniform is a grey trousers/skirt, grey shirt, wine jumper/cardigan and wine tie. The tracksuit is a plain navy bottoms and school tracksuit top with a plain white polo shirt. The uniform can be bought in Kidstuff, Unit 4, Block D, Courtyard Shopping Centre, Newbridge or online at The Back to School Shop
We would appeal to everyone not to leave clothes at the clothes bank in the school when it is full. We returned to school after Christmas to an unsightly pile of clothes thrown on the ground.
Our school is part of a Creative Cluster group with the primary schools in Ballymore Eustace and Manor Kilbride. An artist is coming to our school in February to carry out a photography workshop with each class. The children will learn about the history of photography and the process involved in taking photos. In order to participate in this workshop children must have a consent form signed by parents. We will send home a form to each family tomorrow. Please return by Friday.
All school charge payments should be placed in an envelope with the child’s name written on the outside and an indication of what the charges are covering also written on the outside of the envelope. Receipts will be issued for all payments. Payment can also be made online at the following BIC and IBAN. Please reference your child’s name if you are paying by this method.
IBAN : IE56 AIBK 933244 65921015