Newsletter January 13th 2025


Newsletter January 13th 2025

  • Applications are now being accepted for our Junior Infants class for this coming September. Applications can be made online via the school website Enrolment forms are available from the school office. Closing date for applications is Feb 1st.
  • As we begin a new year we would like to stress the importance of attendance and punctuality. It is very important that children attend school unless they are unwell. If a child is absent for any reason a note should be given to the class teacher. It is also important that children arrive for school on time at 9am. Work starts in classes at this time and children that are late miss out on social and academic interaction that takes place at the beginning of the day. We will be keeping note of all late arrivals and early collections.
  • Student teacher Lauren Barrett will be on placement in First Class (Mrs. Allen’s) for the next three weeks.
  • School will be closed on Wednesday January 22nd for maths inservice. The mid- term break in February takes place on Thursday February 20th and 21st. Easter closing takes place on Friday April 11th.
  • As this is a particularly cold part of the year, we would remind parents to make sure that children have coats with them for going outside.
  • We would like to remind parents/guardians not to park in the bus bay in the morning or evening as the buses need to be able to pull in.
  • Reminder also that the school car parks are for staff cars only.
  • All classes will start a 4 week block of dance with Katie Charles this week.
  • Reminder re school charges. A note will be sent out next week to all with outstanding charges. These charges are for drama, basketball, music etc. They are costs that cannot be covered by the school.
  • All school charge payments should be placed in an envelope with the child’s name written on the outside and an indication of what the charges are covering also written on the outside of the envelope. Receipts will be issued for all payments. Payment can also be made online at the following BIC and IBAN. Please reference your child’s name if you are paying by this method.


IBAN : IE56 AIBK 933244 65921015

Contact Us
Scoil Nioclais Naofa,
Stephen Street
Co. Wicklow

045 401495

Music Generation Wicklow
Green School
© 2025 Scoil Nioclais Naofa